
General Aftercare

The most common reason for a nonhealing piercing is direct contact with a dirty hand. Your hands must be washed prior to you cleaning and caring for your piercing. As there are many factors affecting the healing of your piercing, please see the following information on how to care for your piercing:

  • Keep a healthy lifestyle, and take care of yourself! Drink plenty of water, get enough sleep, eat well, stay active, and avoid stress.
  • Clean your piercing at least twice a day with a sterile, isotonic, saline solution (for example NeilMed).
  • Change your linens (bed sheets, pillowcases, etc.) every 3-4 days.
  • Avoid direct pressure on your piercing (tight clothing, pillows, helmets, phones, blowing your nose, etc.)
  • Irrigate with your sterile, isotonic, saline solution, as needed to relieve irritation or loosen excess crusties.

The following information is what you should NOT do:

  • Do not touch your new piercing (unless you are cleaning and caring for it and always with clean hands)!
  • Do not rotate the jewelry.
  • Do not remove the jewelry, your new piercing WILL close immediately.
  • Don't use any solutions (or chemicals) on your piercing; No alcohol, hydrogen peroxide Bactine, etc. on your piercing.
  • Do not apply anything "antibacterial" on your piercing.
  • Do not apply any ointments to your piercing.
  • Do not use any products with loose cotton fibers (Q-tips, cotton balls, etc.) on your piercing.
  • Do not submerge your piercing in standing water (pools, hot tubs, baths, lakes, rivers, oceans, etc.)

Oral Piercings

It is normal to see significant swelling, light bleeding, bruising, and/or tenderness for the first three to five days after getting pierced. After that, you may also have minor swelling, light secretion of a white-yellowish fluid (not pus).

Please read the following aftercare guidelines on how to care for your oral piercing which should be practiced in addition to your regular daily hygiene routine: Again, let your body do what it does best.

  • Drink ice water to keep the swelling down.
  • Rinse regularly. Rinse your mouth after eating, smoking, and drinking anything besides water, to reduce the amount of bacteria.
  • Avoid mouthwash that contains alcohol.
  • Avoiding spicy, salty, and acidic foods is recommended, but not required. Continue eating whatever foods you're comfortable with eating, in small bites, and by placing the food directly onto your molars.
  • Avoid oral sexual contact including wet kissing or oral sex during healing as your new piercing is an open wound and exposure to bodily fluids can cause an infection. This applies even if you have a long-term monogamous partner.

Downsize your jewelry. It is standard for us to star you off with a jewelry that is longer than normal. A shorter post/ring must replace the initial jewelry once the swelling has gone down. Jewelry that is the correct size, and is not switched out after its designated time, can irritate and even cause damage to your body.

All piercings heal at different rates, and the best thing you can do is let your body do what it does best.

The most important thing we want you to know is that we're here for YOU! Our experienced, professional, and dedicated team is always available to help you with any questions and concerns you may have.

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